Accepted credit card brands are Visa and Mastercard. Please follow these steps to place credit card orders.
Note: Any pricing shown in the images are for illustrative purposes. To get actual pricing, please visit the website order page.
- When you get to the order page, please select a package that you wish to purchase.
- Fill in all the information on the credit card form:
- Name on Card – Enter the name as it appears on the credit card
- Card Number – Number on the credit card
- Month – The month the card expires
- Year – The year the card expires
- CVV – The CVV is a 3 or 4 digit number which is located on the back of the credit card, typically by the signature field.
- Address – The billing address of the credit card
- City – The city of the billing address
- State – The state of the billing address
- Country – The country of the billing address
- Zip – The zip code of the billing address
- Click “Add Tokens” button to submit your order.
- A message is displayed in the upper right corner with the status of your order. Once the order is confirmed a “Payment Successful!” message is displayed.